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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Simian Lines

The simian line runs across the hand replacing the heart and head line. It is a sign of inner tension.

It may be destructive or creative or even both.


People with Simian Lines generally live their life differently than most other people who do not have Simian Lines. Not necessarily living better nor worse. Just living more intensely with an undercurrent of uneasiness.


It is interesting that a number of well known people with a Simian Line have made a positive contribution to history. They include British Prime Minister Tony Blair (both hands), former Russian President Nikita Kruchev, writers John Steinbeck and Henry Miller, to name some well documented cases.

People with a simian line never really find peace. They spend their entire lives searching for an answer they never really find.

To the person with the simian line there is only right or wrong and nothing in between. People with this line work twice as hard, study twice as hard and fight twice as hard.

Persons with the Simian Crease on even one hand often feel isolated, seeing themselves as radically different from their peers. They do not recognize their own talents and may consequently suffer from problems with self-esteem.

I have them on both hands.

I have only met one other person with a Simian line. Gordon Reffell. Brilliant 'C' programmer.
Worked with him at Bankers Trust on their Equity Derivatives Trading System.
He used to call me "Awesome Rawson".Lol.
Met again at Cantors, he came in as Head of Front Office Systems, while I was Back Office.


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